Truly Fed

Freedom from Compulsive Eating and Dieting


Food is often the anesthesia of choice.

Excessive drinking and drug use are obvious problems; whereas overeating, diet obsession, and food binges seem to be more acceptable as standards. And though most of the accompanying heartache is silently hidden, the severity of the damage to one’s body, mind, and spirit is often untold.In Truly Fed, author Gari Meacham tackles the issues of today’s dieting obsessions, binge mentalities, and self-loathing behaviors. With solid biblical wisdom, she challenges readers to embrace the freedom they can and will receive as they learn to turn away from the slavery of food plans, dietary restrictions, and mental bullying.By defining and emphasizing God’s plan for the food He provides, Gari explains new ways of looking at and understanding nourishment. Based on her own life experience, her stories and sound insights offer a picture of what healthy attitudes toward food look like.

It's documented that up to ten million women and girls suffer from anorexia, bulimia, over-eating, secretive binging, purging, and starving.

Gari Meacham tackles disordered eating with solid biblical wisdom and understanding because she was also caught up in the slavery of food plans, diets, and emotional pain. As she tells her story, she offers help and freedom to anyone who feels trapped by the battle with food. Join Gari as she explores the lies we tell ourselves about food and food-related behaviors, including mindless eating, over-eating, and secret eating, binging, purging, and starving. Gari experienced years of twisted emotion towards food and hunger, but has been free from compulsive behavior for 25 years. Like Jesus asked a lame man, Gari asks you, "Do you want to get well?" If so, this book will guide you through the path to freedom. A must read for anyone who ever struggled with weight and food problems. You too can be free!