Episode 100: When Harvest Looks Different


We’ve talked about a different view of the word harvest on the show, and this episode will emphasize that thinking. Harvest was never meant to be a solo provision; it represents a kingdom outcome. Harvest is NOT about US getting the bounty. It’s about the kingdom getting fed, nourished, and growing to its full potential. In today’s episode we’ll see how Jesus is Lord over both the physical and spiritual realm, and He brings harvests in ways that are unexpected and unpredictable.

In Mark 4:35-41 we see Jesus get into a boat with his disciples, and other boats followed as He led them to the other side. While sailing, they came upon a storm which Jesus silenced with his words. He rebuked the storm, not the frightened disciples. Jesus used His spiritual authority to rule over the physical elements of earth (the storm). The disciples watched as He walked in an authority they had yet to experience. They were stunned.

Harvest Principle #1: Harvest includes action we don’t understand because it’s in God’s realm not ours. God’s power plus our obedience to trust, nurtures harvest. 

As we move into Mark 5 we see Jesus and the boats landing in the heathen area of the Gerasenes. As they climbed out of the boat into the graveyard area, a demon-possessed man ran towards them screaming “What do you want from me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name, don’t torture me!” Jesus deals directly with the man by asking his name. In this case, He was speaking to the demons. In Jesus’s day people believed that if you knew that name of a demon, you could have power over it. There’s still truth in that today. If you can name it…you can tame it. 

Harvest Principle #2: Harvest must overcome forces set against them to come to fruition. God brings new growth and power. Satan brings destruction and lack of hope. 

The demons inside the man beg Jesus to send them into the herds of pigs surrounding where they were standing. This was a territory battle…and the demons within the man thought they could win by staying in the region through the pigs. 

What’s interesting is that pigs are smart…and they can also swim! We believe that in that moment, Jesus and the pigs had an understanding, and just as he was Lord over the storm, He was Lord over the pigs. These pigs became the first martyrs for Jesus, as they’d rather die than give the demons the territory!

Harvest Principle #3: Seasons of harvest take new territory. True harvest changes regions with impact and fresh authority. 

When the herdsmen got news that their pigs were destroyed, and the man with the demons was in his right mind, they begged Jesus to leave the region. Sadly, they cared more about their monetary loss than what Jesus could do for people in their city. Imagine what miracles Jesus could’ve done for them if they had valued freedom over captivity. 

Harvest Principle #4: People may be more afraid of the power of the Holy Spirit than the choking presence of the enemy. 

Jesus traveled across stormy waters to set one man free. Through this singular harvest, an entire region was changed as this former demonic preached the good news of Jesus to the region of Decapolis. Sometimes, harvest looks different than what we expect it to look like. 


What’s YOUR Decapolis? Where’s the harvest God wants to do both in you and through you? Who do you need to tell about what God has done in your life?


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