Episode 92: Recognizing a True Shepherd


One of the most important messages Jesus preached almost got Him stoned to death. It was the unlikely message of The Good Shepherd.  

In John 10:1-5 Jesus explains a fenced area (sheepfold) made by shepherds to keep the sheep safe. At night, a good shepherd would lay down across the opening of the fold (the door or gate to the pen) and protect the sheep from predators, thieves, and other dangers. 

In Jesus’ day, religious and political leaders were also called shepherds. In this particular message, Jesus was warning the people that not all shepherds are good shepherds. There are bad shepherds who corrupt the sheep and look out for their own interests, rather than for the interest of the sheep. A true shepherd comes from a place of love, calling, care, and sacrificial service. 

Verse 4 says that the sheep follow the shepherd because they know his voice. Two shepherds from different countries decided to put this to the test. They looked and sounded alike, so one day they exchanged clothes (one putting on the clothes of the other) and went to the sheep of the other shepherd. They called for the sheep and tried to move them in a different direction, but the sheep would NOT follow. Even though the shepherds looked and sounded alike, the sheep knew it wasn’t their rightful owner, and simply would not follow. 

How do you know the voice of a shepherd and the voice of a thief?

People that are thieves are typically cunning. They promise things they don’t deliver. They lie and deceive for their own gain. The enemy of our souls is a thief as he speaks harshly to our minds, diminishing our value and self-worth. He says things like, “You don’t really have a purpose.” “God isn’t real…you’ve prayed and seen nothing change.” He also stirs up conflict and strife between other sheep, leaving flocks in discord and disunity.

The voice of the good shepherd is encouraging. It’s familiar and comfortable like a good friend. The good shepherd knows YOUR name and often calls you a name that you don’t yet see. Gideon was called a brave warrior and Abraham was the father of many nations…long before they won one battle for the Lord. 

Jesus ends this passage by saying, “I came that they may have life, and life abundantly.” This type of life is content, full of joy, and the stamina to influence spheres of people. The abundant life is the supernatural ability to do things you’ve never imagined and to enjoy God all the days of your life on earth.


Can you hear the voice of the good shepherd? Are you following that voice, or following the voice of a bad shepherd who cares nothing for its sheep? 

How can you recognize the good shepherd’s voice?


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