Episode 102: My One Word


Words matter. They’re so important to God that the Bible says with a word the Lord spoke creation into being… “Let there be light.” It also says, “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.” 

If words matter so much to God, they certainly should matter to us. That’s why once a year we set aside time to select a word that we’ve prayerfully chosen to be our word for the year. It’s a word that will lead us, correct us, inspire us, and hold our attention until the year is through.

Last year we shared our words (Gari and Carla) and why we felt that word was crucial to what God was doing. Gari’s word was unity, as she was experiencing rumbling within the work, social and spiritual circles she runs in. Romans 12:18 says, “As much as it depends on you, live peacefully with all men.” It’s comforting to know that some people are impossible to live peacefully with, but we can do what we can to live in peace and unity with others.

Carla’s word was establish. It was a year of establishing her in new places and new circles. She’s living out new roles and new adventures. And adventure always leads to feeling established so the new beginnings can bear fruit.

As we’ve entered another new year, our words have changed. Gari has selected the word prepare for 2024. This signifies the action she’s taking to prepare for some long-standing prayers she’s been praying with Bobby. Carla has selected the word discipline as she hunkers down and commits to healthy habits, spiritual rhythms, and accountability to pursuing deep longings of the heart. 

We’re inviting YOU to commit to a word for this year. Here’s how you can find it and stick to it:

1.     PRAY and ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind a word that resonates or instructs. Don’t overthink it. It may be a common word like trust, release, hope. Whatever surfaces, ask God what word He has for your year.

2.     WRITE your word somewhere that is easy to remember and easy to access so you can continually refer back to it. Go back to it often and record things that align with the word’s purpose in your life. 

3.     SHARE your word with someone else. This can be something special within your family or your friends. By sharing your word, you allow other people to be a part of reminding and rejoicing!  


If you’re looking for a faith-based licensed counselor, look no further! We have teamed up with Amanda Moore to help you grow in your spiritual, emotional, and mental health. To schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Amanda, visit wonderchristiancounseling.com


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