Episode 112: Unlikely Temptations


As we mature in faith, there are certain undercurrents of temptation we need to be aware of. They aren’t blatant, or “in your face.” They’re sneaky and appear when we least expect it. 

Author Oswald Chambers says, “Unguarded strength is actually a double weakness because that is where the least likely temptations will be effective in sapping our strength. The Bible characters stumbled over their strong points…never their weak ones.” 

In 1 Kings 1 we see an aged King David at the end of his life. One of his sons, Absalom, tried to unsuccessfully take over his kingdom in a shameful display of corruption and disrespect. David’s mighty warrior, Joab, stood by him through this trial and eventually killed Absolom. But David’s reaction to Joab’s conquest was surprising. Instead of congratulating Joab for the victory, he mourned his son for a lingering period of time. Later, another son named Adonijah, tried to take his kingdom, but this time Joab sided with the son, even though David eventually made Solomon his successor. 

Scripture says that David never dealt with the uprising of Adonijah, nor Absolom. His leadership skills were strong, but his parental guidance and discipline were weak. 

Unlikely Temptation #1: Beware of being liked or keeping the peace more than doing or speaking what is right. 

David’s warrior Joab didn’t follow Absalom, but he did follow Adonijah. Why? Perhaps he got tired, burned out, or hurt by the king’s reaction after the death of Absalom. We need to be careful to observe when allegiance begins to shift or change. It can be a sign that it’s time to leave somewhere, or a sign the enemy is steering you off course from your assignment or calling. 

Unlikely Temptation #2: Who we follow and endorse matters.

After Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, presented her case to King David and Solomon was named the rightful king, the brother Adonijah came to Bathsheba requesting the hand of the beautiful young girl who cared for David in his last days before death. Adonijah was lucky to remain alive after Solomon took over his kingship, given that he tried to take the kingdom for himself. He was overstepping his boundaries and manipulating Solomon’s mother to get his way.

Unlikely Temptation #3: Some people will try to con or deceive their way into your life. Don’t be tempted by their flattery or lies. Even Satan is described as an angel of light.

It’s wise to remain aware of our own shadows and weaknesses so we’re not blindsided by a temptation that can take us down. Consider your strengths, and ask God to keep you alert to the schemes of the enemy.  

Gutsy Faith Challenge:

Do a strength inventory and consider where you excel or feel strong, then ask God to reveal any pitfalls to that strength you may need to consider.

Here’s an example: You’re really good at rallying people around a cause or idea, but what happens if someone turns on you or begins to disagree? How do you react and use your strength in a positive way? 


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