In today’s episode we talk about the power of WORDS. God speaks healing words TO us, while the enemy throws hurtful words AT us. Learn the difference between the voice of God and the voice of the enemy through this powerful conversation!
Read MoreIn today’s episode we have a conversation with Amanda Moore, M.Ed., LPC-Associate, to discuss the importance of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. As a new partner with Gutsy Faith, she is a trusted place where you can find non judgemental help to process your emotions, relationships, and faith.
Read MoreIn today’s episode we study an obscure story in the Old Testament when Isaac re-digs wells that the Philistines had stopped up after his father’s death. We look at the ways in which the enemy tries to block up our blessings and the purpose of those blessings, not only for us, but also for the people around us!
Read MoreIn today’s episode we’re following the mantle of Elijah and watching how God spoke to him through it over the course of his life. We’ll also see what it means to leave a “mantle” LEGACY as Elijah leaves his mantle for Elisha so he can experience a double portion during his life!
Read MoreIn this episode we study a story from the life of Paul when he experiences a midnight hour moment but God’s presence shows up SUDDENLY in a way they never could have imagined!
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore the 3 phases we all experience during times of transition and 3 tools to better understand HOW God uses transition to prepare us for the places, people, and opportunities that He has next for us!
Read MoreWhen it comes to living a life of faith and full trust in God, struggles with understanding His timing often trips us up.
Read MoreWe have tackled some big issues this week on Church, culture, and social media. Listen to this new Q&A episode to learn more.
Read MorePreparation is pivotal is success in every area of our lives but most importantly, in our spiritual life. To be prepared means to be ready for something that’s ahead and one thing’s for sure - we all have battles ahead. In this episode, we explore what it means to be prepared to FIGHT for the future that God has prepared for you!
Read MoreOur minds are often the messiest part of our lives…the question is WHY? Where does the mess come from? In this episode we explore scripture and brain research which shows that it is possible to rewire and retrain thought patterns resulting in a renewed mind. If you’re struggling with a mental mess, this episode is for you!
Read MoreAt Gutsy Faith we talk a lot about “going deeper” and “living braver.” But what does it mean to go deep into faith? How does that feel and look?
Read MoreIn this episode we talk about the process of preparation and how God uses specific seasons to prepare us for the promises He has for us!
Read MoreToday, like all times in history, we must be empowered by God if we’re to influence those around us in relevant and reverent ways. In this episode, we study the impact and importance of operating in an Issachar Anointing so that we can understand the times we’re living in and know what to do.
Read MoreFor weeks people from around the country have flocked to a small university in Kentucky for one simple reason - to experience the presence of God. In this episode, we have an honest conversation about what has happened at Asbury University and the impact of both REVIVALS and AWAKENINGS in our culture.
Read MoreWhat do you do when what God SAYS and what you SEE don’t make sense? There will be times and seasons where nothing is clear, and nothing lines up like we think it should. In this episode, we explore 3 powerful truths to help you in the season when you’re thinking to yourself, ‘God, I don’t get it!”
Read MoreA brand is a way people can distinguish one thing from another. When people think of your life…what would they say is YOUR brand?
Read MoreWorld tours and life on the road as a successful musician was Krystle McConico’s norm. That’s all she ever wanted in life, until she discovered a better way. At the place of surrender, Krystle experienced a moment with God that changed everything.
Read MoreWords create worlds. When we select ONE word to be our focus for a year, we narrow a broad vision to a more intentional, manageable scope. When ONE word steers our vision for a year, we can accomplish so much more!
Read MoreIn this episode, Gari and Carla talk about the true joy that can be found when we learn to surrender our expectations in exchange for God’s plan. Life and situations may not always turn out the way we expected them to, but when we release our preconceived expectations, we come to a place where we can receive God’s unconditional joy.
Read MoreIn this episode, Gari and Carla talk about the difference between VISION and GRIT. A vision is something birthed in you that becomes the foundation of what could be and what should be. Grit is what gives you the stamina to see the vision to completion. Vision without grit is just a good intention. It’s time to GET YOUR GRIT BACK!
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